![]() | 济南欧都商贸有限公司集厂家联营、厂家直销和代理批发、零售于一体,产品质优价廉畅销国内消费者市场,在消费者当中享有较高的地位。公司与多家生产商、代理商和零售商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。欧都商贸有限公司的各类产品质量上乘、价格合理。济南欧都商贸有限公司实力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。 我们精神: 品质为本、诚信为魂、追求卓越、务实创新! 品质为本 ——人的品质决定素质,素质决定产品的品质。员工高素质,产品高质量; 诚信为魂 ——真诚和信誉就是财富。市场经济就是诚信经济,诚信就是我们的生命、我们的灵魂; 追求卓越 ——永远立足于更佳。质量提高无止境,为用户服务无止境,我们发展无止境; 务实创新 ——脚踏实地,实事求是,辉煌在于创造,希望在于创新,致力创新领导潮流。 方针: 一切为了用户满意! 一切以用户满意为目标,及时、准确地理解用户要求,以最优的服务满足用户的需求和期望。 一句话就是:提供的产品和服务要能够超越用户对它的期待。 Jinan Europe are trading Co., LTD, distribution of the best-selling wholesale consumer market, in consumers enjoy higher status of, the company with a number of retailers and agents established a long-term stable cooperative relations. Jinan Europe are trading Co., LTD, the distribution of complete, the price is reasonable. Jinan Europe are trading Co., LTD, strength, heavy credit, abiding by contract and ensure the quality of products, with many kinds of management characteristic and the principle of small profits and quick turnover, win the trust of the majority of customers.We spirit:For this, the good faith as the quality of the soul, the pursuit of excellence, pragmatic innovation!For this, the quality people quality decided to quality, quality decides the quality of the products. Employees the high quality, the products high quality;The good faith as the sincerity and credit standing is the soul-wealth. Market economy is honesty economy, the good faith is our life, and our soul.The pursuit of excellence-always based on more better. Quality improving endless, endless service to users, we develop endless;Pragmatic innovation-down-to-earth, seeking truth from facts, to create brilliant, hope is that innovation, devoted to innovation leader tide. |